Midtown-The NYC Gathering Womens Dinner- Mondays, Feb 7, March 7, April 4, May 9, June 6, 6-8 pm, saxel95@aol.com, 516-967-7430.Check out "The End of Don't Ask Don't Tell" AND “Eggsploitaion 2.4.11 And Why I Went” at http://donorgroupsnyc.blogspot.com/
Special Announcement ~ Feb 7th Women’s Dinner
More Talk about Books: Let's have a look at books intended to introduce young children to assisted conception.
Dr. Nancy Freeman-Carroll will make a short presentation on books listed on the site of American Society for Reproductive Medicine as aids to parents for talking to young children about assisted conception. Bring whatever books you have at home --those you love as
well as any you have misgivings about--we'll collect our thoughts about what we need from these books, and what we bring to the experience of reading them to our children.
Dr. Nancy Freeman-Carroll will make a short presentation on books listed on the site of American Society for Reproductive Medicine as aids to parents for talking to young children about assisted conception. Bring whatever books you have at home --those you love as
well as any you have misgivings about--we'll collect our thoughts about what we need from these books, and what we bring to the experience of reading them to our children.
Long Island Resolve Peer-Led Support Group- Monthly Thursdays 7-9pm:Feb 10, March 17, April 14, May 19, June 16. Saxel95@aol.com, 516-967-7430.
The NYC Gathering in Brooklyn , Feb 20, LETS START PLANNING, please contact me at saxel95@aol.com to discuss.
Montclair NJ, Judith Kottick,LCSW –Donor Parenting Support Group for Donor Judykottick@comcast.net Tuesdays @7pm, Feb 1, Apr 5, Jun 7, Sept 13, Nov 8. First meeting free, $20 thereafter. PLUS Workshop in Montclair , Saturday April 2, 2011, FLYER AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST TO JUDY OR MYSELF.
Weds-NYC-Anne Malave, PHd-Support Group for Women Exploring Egg Donation-2nd and 4th Weds of the month,7-8:30 pm, afmalave@aol.com ,212-787-1304. Educational meetings also available.
Upper West Side Tuesdays-Third Party Parenting Network-Jan 11, Feb 8, Mar 8, Apr 12, May 10, Jun 7, Support Group with Nancy Kaufman, LCSW, 212-772-1200 or thirdpartyparenting@yahoo.com. Cost $20 pp, $30 per family.
Plainview Long Island-Primary Infertility Group with Janet Mueller, PsyD.,Tuesdays 7-8:30 in $320 for 8 Sessions,Janetmu@earthlink.net.
Midtown-General Fertility and Family-building. Free Drop-in Support-group with Carolyn Berger, LCSW, 1st & 3rd Thurs. each month, 6-7:3pm, cnberger@optonline.net 914-834-6396. NEW FERTILITY DISCUSSION SERIES the 1st Wednesday eve of every month, 6-7:15 pm at Batzofin Fertility Services. Contact Carolyn for registration and topics. All are FREE.
Midtown Mondays-Mind/body Stress Reduction Classes, NYU Fertility Center- , 6:30-8:30 On-going, with Helen Adrienne, LCSW at 212-758-0125, helen@mind-body-unity.com. Cost $75 per class. Many free downloadable gifts are available when you purchace Helen’s new book http://onfertilegroundlaunch.homestead.com
White Plains, NY: New Fertility Discussion Group, 1st Wednesday each month, 7-8:15pm, with possibility to meet more frequently depending upon needs of members. Ann S. Crane, Psy.D. anncrane4@aol.com 914-686-1490. $40 per group.
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