The NYC Gathering

The NYC Gathering
Our Community

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Reflecting and Expressing Gratitude

There are far too many people to name individually that I have come into contact with through this never-ending journey that have been a tremendous help to me and so many others.

I have been honored and priveledged to know some incredible people and although you may get sick of hearing me say this, it is absolutely true that the blessings I have and getting through all the challenges , would not have been possible without the help of others. Their journeys became a passion and a profession too, to be able to help others in the most impactful and meaningful ways.

This is more than a big mushy thank you, its a heartfelt statement about the importance of support, info, encouragement and of course, true friendship, all that began on-line.

In no particular order, here goes....

Marna Gatlin of

Mary Fusillo of

Lauri DeBrito of

Lonny Higgins, author of Creating Life Against The Odds and

There are many friends, people who helped just by being there to talk or to listen, help dust us off, pick ourselves up when we were down, wait-out or sort-out the big ones,(and didnt make this their life or profession) that have asked to remain anonymous. There are people that I will always consider family who were there for me in ways no one else could be. You know who you are and this is to all of the above-mentioned, to the anonymous bunch, to the new families and communities we are building together. I want to say thank you. Whether you know it or not you mean so much to me every single day.

To those of you reading and just starting out-reach out and make a new contact, attend a meeting or group, go on-line and join a forum. Make an appointment with a professional. Dont go through this alone. You wont be sorry. I promise.

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