On Tuesday March 20th we will have a special presentation on Embryo Disposition covering the emotional and legal aspects of this important decision-making process. Here is a note from Amy Demma, Esq:
We understand that many who have struggled with infertility and particularly those who have relied on egg donation for family building may, some time later, be dealing with excess embryo disposition. Many feel stuck in their decision making about embryos left-over from previous IVF cycles while others are seeking information about disposition options.
New York Attorney Amy Demma, someone both with personally and professionally experienced with residual embryo disposition will offer information about disposition options both in a legal and practical context.
Anne F Malave, PhD will share with the group the outcome of much research on the emotional aspects of this matter. We intend to offer both information and strategies on making a final decision regarding excess embryos.
I am happy to offer a gratis phone consult. We need to start talking about residual embryos, we need to start getting good information out to those who may be otherwise indecisive about disposition.
This is a dinner event in Midtown with a $10-20 average cost, min $5.
Please contact me directly for more info asap and to confirm your reservation.
Thanks and best to all,
Sara Axel